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7 Best Makeup Tips Ever

***Original post from my pprevious blog "Life of a Recessionista"***


Hey there! Ahh, the wonderful world of makeup. ♥ Makeup has the power of hiding all your unwanted flaws and it can also, unfortunately, bring out the features you like the least. If you are anything like me, till not too long ago, I was completely clueless to the art of makeup. I would literally only wear (on a daily basis) face powder, one eyeshadow color, mascara, fill in my eyebrow (because my eyebrows are non-existent) and finally, chapstick. Yes, chapstick. I thought there was no sense in wearing stuff that wouldn’t last on my face (since I have very oily skin) and/or would be very time-consuming or messy to put on in the morning. I also had an issue with matching the right products to my skin tone. Thanks to the magic of YouTube I can now say I actually enjoy putting makeup on in the morning and walk out of the house feeling pretty damn sexy ;)

Here’s seven of the best makeup tips that have helped me master the art controlling the makeup, and no longer let the makeup control me:

1. Foundation: When purchasing a new foundation and a mirror isn’t available to match foundation color with your face, never match foundation to the back of your hand. Your face is never the same color as your arms and the back of your hands because these have more exposure to the sun. It is better to match your foundation with the inside lighter area of your arm.

2. Mascara: Hate it when you get a mascara smudge on your eyelid and eyeshadow? No problem! Whatever you do; DO NOT wipe it off immediately!! Wait till it dries. Once dry, you should be able to flick it right off without a smudgy mascara line.

3. Foundation: Do your eye makeup before applying your foundation. Apply foundation after your eyes are all done and then apply your concealer. This will avoid getting fallout from the eyeshadow below your eyes and all over your foundation. Trust me, it’s not pretty to have a rainbow of color where your concealer should be.

4. Eye and mouth crease areas: If you want your eye shadow to last all day without creasing and also make the colors look more pigmented and vibrant…wear a good eye shadow base/primer. And if eye shadow base/primer will prevent your eyes from creasing, it will do the same for the makeup that is applied to the area where the lines are formed when you smile close to your mouth. Apply eye shadow base/primer before your eye shadow and also underneath your foundation on your “smile lines”. This will prevent your face from looking like a triple layer cake at 5 PM. Not sexy.

5. Mascara: This one is simple, but for some reason, it never occurred to me till I heard it. Apply mascara on your lower lashes first. This will avoid getting mascara on your eyelid when looking down to apply mascara on the lower lashes, if you already applied on your upper lashes.

6. Blush: This one is also simple. But however, when I first began to wear blush I would apply it all over the middle of my cheeks (it’s ok, laugh at me). And this made me look like Bozo. The best way to apply blush is to pucker your lips and apply to the top apples of your cheeks.

7. General Makeup Rule: Last but not least, never, EVER, sleep in your makeup. You’re probably saying: “Eww, disgusting!”. Right? Picture this: you come home, a little tipsy from too many cosmos and appletinis at 4 AM from living it up with the girls in the club. You throw your heels in one corner, tie up your hair, take off your bra, and crawl into bed. I know you’ve done it. We’ve all done it. And we wake up the next morning looking like a Cruella de Vil mug shot. Worst part about sleeping in your makeup is not what you look like the next morning, it’s the damage it does to your skin. You lose a couple of eyelashes, your pores get clogged, and you get dark circles under your eyes. Think of your skin as the blank canvas for the masterpiece. So next time you’re thinking about going there, take 5 minutes to wash your face…you little piggy!

These tips have worked for me, and I hope they work for you. Do you have any good makeup tips you would like to share? Please leave them in the comments below. I’d love to read them :)





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